Precision & Branscum Annual 41st Associate Christmas Celebration
Branscum Construction Company and Precision Erection Company held their 41st Annual Christmas Celebration and Awards Banquet on December 8th, 2017. This year’s celebration was held at the First Baptist Church in Russell Springs. Steve Branscum kicked off our annual associate’s Christmas celebration by welcoming all past and current Branscum and Precision associates.
Neal Bradshaw address the associates and spoke on the importance of safety on the job sites. He then presented as a small token of appreciation for all field associates working hard on keeping Safety a Top Priority, a Safety Rain Jacket.
Our Branscum/Precision family then celebrated Christmas with a delicious lunch together and fellowship followed by the presentation of awards for years of service and recognition of the Associate of the Year.

Building for Excellence Program acknowledged the associates that contribute to the success of projects completed in 2017. These projects are evaluated using six criteria: adherence to schedule, keeping within budget, keeping quality in construction, there were no lost days due to accidents, there were no legal issues associated with the projects, and client satisfaction. The following projects met the criteria, by meeting all six of our “Project Success Goals” for this year are:
- Industrial Leasing
- Cirrus II
- Southern Blanking
- NA Sticks
- Shiloh
- Newman Tech
- Marathon Electric
- Bowling Green Gym
- George Utz
- O’Reilly’s Auto Parts
- Tarter Gate Re-Roof

Branscum Construction and Precision Erection Company were proud to honor many associates for their Years of Service completed in 2017. Recognized for fifteen years of service was Josh Branscum & Jim Gilbert. Twenty years of service and recipient of the gold anniversary ring went to Greg Owens. Presented their gold anniversary ring with 2 diamonds for twenty-five years of service was Joyce Barnes and Pam Eysenbach. Honored for 30 years of service and receiving their 3rd diamond in their gold ring were associates Johnny Beatty and Donnie Hale. There are now 17 associates with over 20 years of service.