Shintech – Plaqumine, LA
13,594 sqft Erect
13,594 sqft Erect
Metalsa P552 Line # 3 Expansion Elizabethtown, KY 81,216 sqft - Erect
100,550 sqft Erect / Tilt-up Concrete Panels
70, 000 sqft - Erect
Furnish and Erect a Pre-Engineered Metal Building Consisted of 7 buildings Special steel coating Block #1 is 135' high, largest…
Furnish and Erect a Pre-Engineered Metal Building Consisted of 7 buildings Special steel coating Block #1 is 135' high, largest…
Manufacturing Facility-Project included two buildings Total Square Feet:360,000
Erect 60,000 SF Pre Engineered Building
3 Phases Furnish and Erect a Pre-Engineered Metal Building Repeat Customer Total Square Feet:550,000
33,000 SF Aluma Shield AW-300 Insulated Metal Wall Panels 16,000 SF Aluma Shield HR-900 Insulated Metal Roof Panels
Eli, KY 34,000 sqft Steel Erection Addition
Project: Erector Size: 86,000 sqft hangar 5 Box girders Project Cost: $30,495,000 Furnish & Erect Cost: $2,747,000